VPS Chicago Pricing

Chicago VPS Server Features

Root Access
Root Access
Forget about any restrictions that other web hosters set on your server. Enjoy full root access to your server and configure it however you want.
OS to your taste
OS to your taste
We are offering over 15 versions of the different OS to choose from. If you wish to install a custom one we are always open to doing so.
Flexible hardware
Flexible hardware
Should you choose to switch to NVMe or SSD or HDD, or to find a VPS that works better per core, we are here to help.

Chicago VPS Hosting

VPS Chicago, shared hosting in Chicago, maybe a physical server in Chicago? A lot of businesses are lost in the choice, wasting precious time they could have spent establishing their authority and earning money. At the moment, VPS is the best option for most projects, and there are at least 5 reasons why.

VPS Chicago: Why It’s a Great Asset to Your Business

Virtual private server rental provides you with the privacy and independence of a dedicated server without the maintenance and other responsibilities. There are lots of companies offering VPS Asia, America, Europe, and other versions. You can find a suitable package and change it whenever you want. The field is huge and all there for you to investigate.

Here are 5 main reasons why your business may need it:

  1. It’s financially effective.
  2. It’s not super cheap and needs more investment than a shared hosting, but the money you put in it will be justified in a short time. VPS Chicago can be highly flexible, and as your project grows, you’ll still need the same server for the same payment.
  3. You’re independent.
  4. You can use any tools available, integrate any apps, not being limited by other users, like when renting a “cell” at a shared hosting. You can build anything, try, learn, test stuff, not being bound to anybody else. Plus, none of the users will harm your data, there will be no worries as to the neighbors whatsoever.
  5. Quick upgrades.
  6. Let’s hope your business grows to the point where you’ll need additional power from your VPS Chicago. You can make a change in one day, preventing traffic loss and upgrade difficulties.
  7. Stability.
  8. A host that rents you a VPN will make sure there’s a working server for your project at all times. So, if something’s wrong, you don’t have to panic and look for new hardware or maintain the current one. Report the issue and the host will worry about this and fix the situation asap.
  9. Easier management.
  10. You can get two services in your package and run different independent applications on each of them. There are also a lot of details and additional features coming with every rental company. By getting smart qualitative features, you’ll increase chances for growth.

It’s a great medium between a shared hosting and a dedicated server. VPS Chicago gives you the best of both worlds, and unless you need a giant project with billions of visitors, it’s the most suitable option.

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