VPS WordPress Pricing

WordPress VPS Server Features

Windows Remote Desktop
Windows Remote Desktop
Many companies move their offices to virtual and you might not be an exception. Boost your company performance and protect your data by using Windows as a Remote Desktop using our servers.
Dozens of locations
Dozens of locations
Become closer to your target audience by picking the location that suits your business. 18 locations to choose from on 3 continents and counting!
Around-the-clock support
Around-the-clock support
24/7/365 we are working for you to make sure that your business stays online during the whole year. Enjoy one of the best technical supports on the market.

WordPress VPS Hosting

If you are looking for an optimal hosting solution for your website or a website of your company, you might have plenty of options. One of them is a shared solution.

However, a shared server always has some aspects that might be not very convenient for you. First of all, your website might load much slower because a shared server is used by many clients. Moreover, proper maintenance is often missing. Hence, if you need your website to load fast and respond to the requests of your clients instantly, a shared solution is not the best option. If your website requires the implementation of some special functionality, shared hosting might not be able to provide it.

When It Is Better to Rent a  WordPress VPS?

In some cases, people prefer to pay for the rental of WordPress VPS.

WordPress VPS offers several crucial advantages if you compare it with a shared server. 

  • A VPS in the USA is a virtual space on a physical server. Even though the server is used by some clients, your space operates completely as your dedicated server.
  • It is protected. Usually, we apply for WordPress VPS password protection for your VPS. It means that only you and people with whom you shared the password and login data can access it.
  • Instant Bitcoin VPS setup is instant. So, you can use your website for business purposes as soon as you buy WordPress VPS.
  • Constant data backups. With us, you are protected from all the emergencies that might happen and damage your data. We provide a constant backing up of all your data. So, you can access the most important data during any stage of the work on your project. And if something happens, and your data get lost, you can recover it from a backup copy.
  • A convenient and intuitive user interface. Even if you aren’t an expert, you can manage it;
  • Our WordPress VPS can be used for Linux and Windows software. With some clicks, you can select a plan that you like and start using it without delays. All the prices are absolutely affordable.

You can use a VPS solution if you manage a bigger business. The VPS functionality might differ from one provider to another. Therefore, before paying for any solution, make sure it suits you. In some cases, an expensive solution might be of low quality, and on the contrary, a cheaper option might provide wonderful functionality.

Here, you can find a VPS that is a qualitative solution for almost any kind of business. It is reliable and relatively cheap, and with us, you can select plenty of options.

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