How to Search in VIM Editor? (Vim Search)

Vim is an open-source tool designed for text editing. Standing for "Vi Improved," Vim builds upon the original Vi editor, offering a more powerful and flexible text editing experience. It was developed to expand Vi's features, making it highly adaptable and capable of handling more complex tasks. 

You can take advantage of various plugins available for Vim based on your requirements. In many popular Linux distributions and macOS, the VI editor comes preinstalled. What sets Vim apart from other editors is its modal system, which separates different functions such as navigating, inserting, and modifying text into distinct modes. While this can make it harder to learn at first, many users find that it significantly boosts their speed and productivity once they become familiar with it.

Searching for text in the VI/VIM editor is a fundamental task. In this article, you will explore the search features in the VI/VIM editor, commonly referred to as VI/VIM search. You'll learn the essential commands and techniques about how to search in VIM and locate text within your document quickly.

What Makes Vim Editor a Popular Choice?

Vim is a popular choice for many developers due to its cross-platform availability, running on macOS, Linux, and Windows, and its ease of installation on modern Linux systems. Its highly customizable nature, extensibility through plugins, and portable configurations enhance its functionality and usability. 

Vim remains lightweight and efficient, even with large files, and is well-documented with a supportive community. It supports a variety of file formats and programming languages, offering powerful features like macros and global search. Despite its learning curve, many users find Vim both efficient and enjoyable to use.

How to Search in VIM? (Find in Vim)

Imagine working with a file containing 10,000 lines and trying to locate a specific word without a search function. It would be an incredibly time-consuming and frustrating task. That’s why almost every text editor, including Vim, offers a search feature to make this process faster and more efficient.

1. Basic Search in Vim Editor (Vim Search)

To begin, you'll need to open the file you want to search by typing the file path after the Vim (or vi) command. If the file is already open, make sure you're in normal mode by pressing the escape key before you start searching.

For example, you can open a file by running vim /path/to/file.txt.

The most basic way to search in Vim is by looking for a search term, which brings up the first occurrence. To do this while in normal mode, type a forward slash followed by the search word. It will start searching for the desired word from the top to the bottom of the file.

For example:


If you want to search in the backward direction, starting from the bottom of the file instead of the top, use a question mark (?) before the search term, like this:


Once you’ve performed a search, press n to move to the next match or use N (uppercase) to search in the reverse direction.

2. Find in Vim the Entire Word

To search for a whole word in Vim, begin by pressing / or ?, then use \< to indicate the start of the word, followed by the word you’re looking for, and finish with \> to mark the end. Press Enter to execute the search.

For example, to search for the word "vim" you would type:


3. Highlighted the Vim Search Results

Vim offers a useful feature to highlight search results within the file. To enable this, you can use the following command in the editor:

:set hlsearch

4. Open a File at a Specific Word

Vim allows you to open a file directly at a specific word or phrase, saving time by jumping straight to the desired location. To do this, use the following command:

vim +/word [filename]

For example, to open the file /documents/file.txt and jump to the first occurrence of the word "test," you would run:

vim +/test /documents/file.txt

5. Searching in Vim Without Case Sensitivity

By default, Vim is case-sensitive when searching. For instance, if you search for /example, it won’t find occurrences of "Example" with an uppercase "E."

To ignore the case while searching, you can use certain options in Vim. One way is to add \c at the end of your search pattern to make it case-insensitive.

For example, to search for the word "example" regardless of case, use the following command:


6. Vim search for the Current Word

You can quickly search for the word under the cursor in Vim by placing the cursor over the word and pressing * (asterisk) to search forward or # (hash) to search backwards. Pressing * or # again will continue to find the next occurrences of that word.

For example, consider a file named example.txt with the following content:

$ cat example.txt

Vim is a powerful text editor.

Many programmers use Vim for coding.

Vim supports various plugins.

If your cursor is on the word "Vim" and you press *, Vim will search forward for the next occurrence of "Vim." Pressing * again will continue to find additional instances of "Vim." Similarly, pressing # will search backwards for previous occurrences of the word.

7. Vim search for the Previous Word (Backward Search) 

In Vim, you can easily search for the previous occurrence of a word using the backward search feature. Here’s how to do it:

  • Press the key to enter search mode.
  • Type the word you want to find in reverse order. For instance, if you want to locate the previous occurrence of the word "tutorial," you would type "lairotut".
  • Press Enter to execute the search.

Vim will locate the previous instance of the word and move the cursor to that position. To find the next occurrence, press n, and to search for the previous occurrence again, press N.

8. Vim Search History

Vim keeps a record of all the searches you've performed during your session. To access your previous search operations, press / or ? and use the arrow keys to navigate through your search history. You can modify the search pattern before pressing Enter to initiate the search.

9. Opening a File from the CLI using Vim search

You can quickly open a file in Vim directly from the command line interface (CLI). Here's how:

  • Open your terminal or CLI.
  • Enter the command vim filename, replacing "filename" with the name or path of the file you want to access.
  • Press Enter. Vim will open the specified file in a new buffer, allowing you to view and edit it without needing to navigate through the editor first.

10. Vim Search for a Character String

To find a specific character string in Vim, follow these steps:

  • Open Vim and the desired file using: # vim filename
  • Press / to enter search mode.
  • Type the character string you want to find and press Enter. For example, to search for "vim," type /vim.

Vim will highlight the first occurrence of the string. Press n to find the next match, and N to search in the opposite direction. Vim also offers options to refine your search, such as making it case-insensitive, restricting it to certain lines, or using regular expressions.

11. How to search in Vim (Refine Searches)

To make your searches in Vim more precise, you can use the following techniques:

  • Case-Insensitive Search: Add \c before your search pattern to ignore the case. For instance, to find "Tutorial" regardless of case, use /\cTutorial.
  • Search Within a Range: Limit your search to specific line numbers by specifying the range before the pattern. For example, to search for "section" between lines 20 and 30, use 20,30/section.
  • Using Regular Expressions: Vim supports regular expressions for more complex searches. For example, to find words starting with "data," use /\bdatas\w*.

12. Replacing Text in Vim

Vim makes it easy to replace text within files. Here’s how:

  1. Enter command mode. 
  2. Type :%s/old_text/new_text/g and press Enter.
    • %s initiates the substitution.
    • Replace old_text with the text you want to change.
    • Replace new_text with the new text.
    • The g flag at the end ensures all occurrences are replaced throughout the file.

Vim will highlight each occurrence of the old text. You can confirm each replacement by pressing y or skip by pressing n. To confirm each change interactively, use :%s/old_text/new_text/gc.

13. Opening a File at a Specific Word in Vim

To open a file and position the cursor at a specific location:

Start Vim by typing:

# vim

Open the file with:

:e filename

Replace the filename with the actual file name.

To jump to a specific line, add + followed by the line number. For example, to open "document.txt" and go to line 20, use:

:e document.txt +20

To position the cursor at a specific word, use /word after the file name. For instance, to open "notes.txt" and go to the word "important," use:

:e notes.txt +/important

Vim will open the file and position the cursor at the designated line or word, streamlining navigation and editing.


Mastering Vim’s search functionality is important for efficient text navigation and editing, particularly with large files. While Vim’s unique modal editing can be challenging at first, it offers a powerful and effective method once mastered. 

In this guide, we learned how to search in Vim editor. We demonstrated how users can quickly locate keywords with basic commands and utilize advanced features like regex searches and word-boundary matching for more precise results. Enhancing the search experience through options such as case insensitivity and highlighting further improves usability. Vim’s robust search capabilities, combined with its extensibility and comprehensive features, make it an invaluable tool for developers, sysadmins, and anyone handling text files. delivers exceptional VPS performance with unmatched cloud availability, offering a dedicated environment that is both simple and scalable. Our customizable solutions ensure that your needs are met with precision, and our commitment to providing unlimited traffic means you can focus on your business without worrying about bandwidth limits. Experience the power of a dedicated VPS solution designed to grow with you and support your every need.

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