How to install Virtualmin on Ubuntu BlueVPS | BlueVPS

Virtualmin is a flexible and great web hosting control panel for Linux-based operating systems. Since it is open-source it is widely community-supported, meaning that you can get answers to any common questions easily, not to mention the support. Of course, it is available with premium support and as a Virtualmin Pro which comes with additional features such as unlimited support tickets, premium priority, script installers, HTML editor, mobile access, and so on. If you want to learn more go check out their official website - .

Cost-effective and comprehensive Virtualmin is widely used by professionals all over the globe.


First things first you need to have Ubuntu OS installed on your server. You can order such VPS from our website from any of the 12 locations we operate in and tick the necessary operating system – Ubuntu 20.04 in our case. BlueVPS will issue it in a matter of minutes.

In order to connect to your freshly bought VPS, you can use a free simple SSH client program called Putty(

Install it and enter your SSH username, SSH password, and SSH port to connect to your server.

If you don’t know where to find your credentials, go visit your mailbox. Each time you bought VPS from us you will receive a welcome email with all the needed information.

Once you are in, you need to create a non-root user with sudo access. Hint: It works in all versions of Ubuntu up to 20.04 LTS.

1. Create a new user account with the adduser command. Make sure that your password is strong and has different cases. For user values write anything you want or hit and enter to leave those fields blank. We used “bluevps” as the user.

# adduser bluevps

Adding user ` bluevps ' ...

Adding new group `bluevps' (1001) ...

Adding new user `bluevps' (1001) with group `bluevps' ...

Creating home directory `/home/bluevps' ...

Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...

New password:

Retype new password:

passwd: password updated successfully

Changing the user information for bluevps

Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default

     Full Name []: bluevps user

     Room Number []:

     Work Phone []:

     Home Phone []:

    Other []:

Is the information correct? [Y/n] y

 how to install virtualmin on ubuntu bluevps | bluevps

2. Add the user to the Sudo Group

# adduser bluevps sudo

how to install virtualmin on ubuntu bluevps | bluevps 

3. Switch to the new user

# su - bluevps

how to install virtualmin on ubuntu bluevps | bluevps

Verify you are the new user with whoami, then test sudo access with sudo whoami. It should return root.

$ whoami


$ sudo whoami

[sudo] password for bluevps:


how to install virtualmin on ubuntu bluevps | bluevps


Step-by-step guide on how to install Virtualmin on Ubuntu

Now that we are done with the prerequisites let’s proceed with the installation.

1.   Download the Virtualmin installation script.

$ wget

 how to install virtualmin on ubuntu bluevps | bluevps

2.   Set the domain name for your server. For example:

$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname


3.   Make the script executable.

$ chmod a+x


4.   Run the script to install both Webmin and Virtualmin, because Virtualmin is based on Webmin. The process of installation should looks like this.

$ sudo ./

 how to install virtualmin on ubuntu bluevps | bluevps

Should you need to do any additional stuff with script, it has many options to offer:

--uninstall : Removes all Virtualmin packages

--help : This message

--force : Skip confirmation message

--hostname : Set fully qualified hostname

--verbose : Verbose

--setup : Setup software repositories and exit (no installation or configuration)

--minimal : Install a smaller subset of packages for low-memory/low-resource systems

--bundle : Choose bundle to install (LAMP or LEMP, defaults to LAMP)

5.   Allow access to Virtualmin through the firewall.

$ sudo ufw allow 10000


6.   Navigate to port 10000 at the server's domain name to access the Virtual Web Interface. For example:



It is complete! You can start using the Virtualmin panel by logging in with your root username and password. Should you have any questions feel free to contact our technical team via the ticketing system or a LiveChat. Good luck!
